Turistický oddíl KADAO v Pyrenejích


Na přelomu července a srpna členové turistického oddílu KADAO Opava, společně s několika neoddílovými zájemci, vyrazili na již tradiční letní zahraniční akci. Po outdoorovém létě ve Švýcarsku (2011), francouzské Provence (2012) a německých, italských, rakouských Alpách (2013) bylo jako cíl cesty zvoleno o něco vzdálenější francouzsko-španělské pohoří Pyreneje.

To nabídlo křišťálově čisté divoké řeky, kolmé horolezecké stěny, treky po horských hřebenech, plno více či méně náročných cyklo tras a také zajištěné horolezecké cesty „via ferrata“.

Denně si každý účastník mohl vybrat program, který se mu líbil nejvíce. Organizátoři akce, Tom a Adam Weichtovi, na každý den připravili hned několik alternativ, a tak byla možnost zvolit den na vodě, některou z etap Tour de France nebo třeba túru po okolních horách. Vždy byla k výběru spousta zajímavých aktivit a program tak byl velmi různorodý.

Cestou do Pyrenejí jsme stihli splout francouzskou řeku Allier a zatancovat na slavnostech v městečku Langeac. Pyrenejské putování jsme zahájili splutím řeky Neste´d Aure s krásným průjezdem městečkem Arreau a  cyklopřejezdem známého sedla Col du Tourmalet (2 120 m n. m.). Do poutního města Lourdes někteří dojeli na kolech přes hory, jiná skupina připlula do města po řece Gave du Pau, zatímco další vystoupali na vrcholy Vignemale. Z Francie jsme se přesunuli k řece Gallego, kterou jsme spluli pod překrásnými skalami Mallos Riglos. Ve španělském Brotu jsme zdolali ferratu Sarrocal a v národním parku Ordesa vystoupala skupina na třetí nejvyšší horu Monte Perdido, s přenocováním u refúgie Góriz. Na španělské straně jsme spluli ještě řeku Ara a královnu španělských vodáků Nogueru Pallaresu, ve dvou etapách u městečka Sort, ve kterém jsme také náramně „zajuchali“ s místní španělskou hudební skupinou Metabolé. Následovaly dva dny na kolech a via ferratách v Andoře a cestou zpět do ČR jsme navštívili francouzské pobřeží, s písčitými dunami a plameňáky u Saintes Marie de la Mer. Dojmy a radost nám nepokazila ani porucha našeho busu, díky němuž jsme si pobyt u moře prodloužili o dva dny, než pro nás dojela náhradní doprava.

Za akcí jdou více než skvělé ohlasy, a tak outdoorové léto v Pyrenejích opět úspěšně navázalo na předchozí ročníky prázdninového putování s naším turistickým oddílem KADAO Opava. Zájemci se již v tuto chvíli mohou těšit na příští outdoorové léto. Kam? Zatím nevíme!?


Tom Weicht

TOM Kadao



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Отзывы о маге Иннере: Встреча с Истинной Мудростью

Маг Иннер – это фигура, чья таинственность и мудрость привлекают внимание многих искателей истины. Его имя стало символом надежды и помощи для тех, кто ищет ответы на свои жизненные вопросы и сталкивается с трудностями. В этом контексте отзывы о маге Иннере играют важную роль, помогая другим понять его влияние и эффективность.

Многие отзывы о маге Иннере подчеркивают его уникальные способности и эффективность в работе с клиентами. Клиенты говорят о том, как его советы и ритуалы помогли им преодолеть трудности и достичь своих целей. Его интуиция и глубокое понимание человеческой природы делают его востребованным специалистом в области духовного развития.

Отзывы о маге Иннере также отмечают его индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту. Он не применяет стандартные методики к каждому случаю, а внимательно анализирует ситуацию и предлагает наиболее подходящие решения. Это создает доверительную атмосферу и помогает клиентам чувствовать себя комфортно в процессе работы.

В заключение, отзывы о маге Иннере свидетельствуют о его уникальности и влиянии в мире духовной практики. Его высокая эффективность, индивидуальный подход к клиентам и этичность в работе делают его одним из самых востребованных специалистов в своей области.

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<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/bitcoins-deadline-10-days-until-squeeze-zone>Bitcoin's Deadline: 10 Days Until Squeeze Zone</a> As the world closely watches the volatile cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin's price metric finds itself hurtling towards a potentially precarious situation. Analysts predict that the leading digital currency has a maximum of 10 days until it enters the dreaded squeeze zone. This looming deadline has sparked a frenzy among investors and traders, as they anticipate a significant increase in market pressure and heightened price volatility. Bitcoin, often dubbed the king of cryptocurrencies, may experience a defining moment that could either catapult it to new heights or send it spiraling down. With the countdown officially underway, the cryptocurrency community holds its breath, ready to witness the outcome of Bitcoin's pending fate.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/okx-exec-debunks-spam-in-bitcoin-ordinals>OKX Exec Debunks Spam in Bitcoin Ordinals</a> as he firmly believes that there is no such thing as spam when it comes to the world of cryptocurrency. Addressing the concerns surrounding the prevalence of spam within the Bitcoin ordinals, the OKX executive confidently states that the cryptocurrency market operates on a different level, one that renders spam obsolete. He explains that with the decentralized nature of Bitcoin and the transparency of blockchain technology, every transaction and activity can be accurately traced and verified, leaving no room for spam or fraudulent activities. Emphasizing the robustness and reliability of Bitcoin, the OKX executive asserts that spam is simply a non-existent issue in the world of Bitcoin ordinals.
In a groundbreaking achievement, Mad Lads' Backpack Exchange has shattered expectations as it surpasses an astounding $300 million trading volume within just 24 hours. This impressive milestone signifies an immense level of trust and confidence placed by investors in this innovative platform. The exchange's commitment to providing a seamless trading experience, coupled with its robust security measures, has gained significant traction amongst users. Mad Lads' Backpack Exchange's meteoric rise not only showcases its ability to revolutionize the cryptocurrency market but also solidifies its position as a leader in the industry, propelling it towards even greater success in the future. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/mad-lads-backpack-exchange-breaks-300m-trading-volume-in-24-hours>Mad Lads' Backpack Exchange Breaks $300M Trading Volume in 24 Hours</a>.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/ex-cfo-of-terraform-labs-extradited-to-south-korea>Ex-CFO of Terraform Labs Extradited to South Korea</a>. In a recent turn of events, the former CFO of Terraform Labs, Han Chang-joon, has been extradited to South Korea to face charges related to financial irregularities. Han, who had resigned from his position amidst allegations of embezzlement, has long been under investigation by South Korean authorities. The extradition marks a significant step towards justice as the country seeks to hold accountable those responsible for financial misconduct. With the ex-CFO now in Korean custody, it is hoped that a thorough investigation will shed light on the extent of the wrongdoing and bring about a fair resolution for all parties involved.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/reimagining-decentralized-social-media-insights-from-memeland-ceo>Reimagining Decentralized Social Media: Insights from Memeland CEO</a> unveils a thought-provoking perspective on describing the future of decentralized social media apps. The CEO of Memeland, a pioneering platform in this innovative space, believes that the industry needs to redefine its language and approach to accurately capture the essence of these apps. Acknowledging that current terminologies such as "decentralized" and "social media" can be limiting and sometimes misunderstood, the CEO proposes a fresh narrative that emphasizes the power of memes to connect and engage communities. By highlighting the role of memes in facilitating viral content, sparking conversations, and fostering authentic human interactions, the CEO presents a captivating vision for the true potential of decentralized social media apps.
Cointelegraph Accelerator has made an exciting decision, choosing Dojima Omnichain Network as the go-to platform for achieving seamless interoperability across diverse blockchain networks. Recognizing the critical need for efficient communication and collaboration among different blockchain ecosystems, Cointelegraph Accelerator believes that Dojima Omnichain's innovative solutions will bridge the gaps and pave the way for a more interconnected blockchain space. By selecting Dojima Omnichain, Cointelegraph Accelerator aims to facilitate the exchange of valuable assets, enhance cross-network transactions, and ultimately foster a truly interconnected and interoperable blockchain ecosystem. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/cointelegraph-accelerator-chooses-dojima-omnichain-for-interoperability-across-blockchain-networks>Cointelegraph Accelerator chooses Dojima Omnichain for Interoperability across Blockchain Networks</a>.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/blackrock-bitcoin-etf-surpasses-microstrategy-in-btc-holdings>BlackRock Bitcoin ETF Surpasses MicroStrategy in BTC Holdings</a> as the renowned investment management corporation unveils its impressive accumulation of Bitcoin. Revealing a staggering increase in their BTC holdings, BlackRock Bitcoin ETF has overtaken MicroStrategy, solidifying its position as a major player in the cryptocurrency market. With this remarkable feat, BlackRock Bitcoin ETF showcases its commitment to harnessing the potential of digital assets, strategically positioning itself to capitalize on the ever-growing popularity of cryptocurrencies.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/lower-transaction-fees-for-l2s-with-ethereum-dencun-upgrade>Lower Transaction Fees for L2s with Ethereum Dencun Upgrade</a>: The latest Ethereum Dencun upgrade has brought a wave of relief for users as it significantly reduces transaction fees for Layer 2 solutions. With this much-needed improvement, Ethereum's scalability issues are being addressed, enhancing the experience for decentralized applications and making it more affordable for users to leverage Layer 2 solutions. This upgrade marks a game-changing milestone in the Ethereum ecosystem, paving the way for wider adoption and increased efficiency in the world of blockchain transactions.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/solana-surpasses-bnb-in-market-cap-now-4th-position>Solana Surpasses BNB in Market Cap, Now 4th Position</a>. In a significant milestone for the cryptocurrency world, Solana has managed to surpass Binance Coin (BNB) in terms of market capitalization, securing the fourth position. Solana's impressive ascent is a testament to its growing prominence and widespread adoption in the market. As investors increasingly recognize its potential and value, Solana's market cap has surged ahead, solidifying its position as a major player in the crypto space. With its innovative blockchain technology and an ever-expanding ecosystem, Solana continues to attract attention and gain the trust of investors worldwide.
In a significant development in the ongoing legal battle between Ryder Ripps and Yuga Labs, a judge has delivered a verdict rejecting the counterclaims presented by Ryder Ripps. The decision comes as a blow to Ripps, who sought to challenge the claims made against him by Yuga Labs. In a resounding victory for Yuga Labs, the judge has also ordered a hefty $9 million payout in favor of the company, leaving Ripps facing substantial financial consequences. With the phrase "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/judge-rejects-counterclaims-orders-9m-payout-in-ryder-ripps-vs-yuga-labs-case>Judge Rejects Counterclaims, Orders $9M Payout in Ryder Ripps vs Yuga Labs Case</a>" resonating throughout legal circles, this ruling sets a precedent that could have far-reaching implications for future disputes in the art and digital realm.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/embracing-a-diverse-digital-currency-future-lugano-the-swiss-city>Embracing a Diverse Digital Currency Future: Lugano, the Swiss City</a> Lugano, a picturesque city nestled in the heart of Switzerland, has emerged as a trailblazer in embracing the future of diverse digital currencies. Recognizing the transformative potential of these innovative financial technologies, Lugano has taken bold steps to position itself as a global hub for digital currencies. With its progressive regulations and forward-thinking policies, the city has attracted a burgeoning ecosystem of blockchain startups and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Embracing the decentralized nature of digital currencies, Lugano has fostered an environment that encourages innovation and collaboration. As a result, it has gained international prominence in the evolving landscape of digital finance, putting itself at the forefront of the revolution. In a world where digital currencies are reshaping traditional financial systems, Lugano stands as a beacon of progress, championing the limitless possibilities of a diverse digital currency future.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/blackrock-and-proshares-bitcoin-etfs-outpace-gbtc-in-daily-trading>BlackRock and ProShares Bitcoin ETFs Outpace GBTC in Daily Trading</a>. BlackRock and ProShares have surged ahead in the world of Bitcoin trading, outpacing GBTC in terms of daily trading volume. These two major players in the financial industry have launched their own Bitcoin ETFs, which have proven to be remarkably popular among investors. As Bitcoin continues to gain mainstream acceptance, these ETFs have become an attractive option for those looking to gain exposure to the digital currency. With their massive resources and strong reputation, BlackRock and ProShares have managed to capture a significant portion of the market, leaving GBTC in their wake. This shift in trading volume further solidifies the growing influence of institutional investors in the crypto space. BlackRock and ProShares have undoubtedly become dominant forces, setting the tone for the future of cryptocurrency trading.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/microsoft-azures-india-focused-voice-based-ai-apps>Microsoft Azure's India-Focused Voice-Based AI Apps</a> are revolutionizing the way Indians interact with technology. By harnessing the power of voice recognition and generative artificial intelligence, Microsoft Azure is paving the way for a new era of innovative applications. The foundation laid by Microsoft Azure allows developers to create cutting-edge solutions that cater to the unique needs and diverse languages of the Indian market. These voice-based AI apps have the potential to transform various sectors, from healthcare to education, and empower millions of Indians with seamless and personalized technology experiences. With Microsoft Azure leading the way, India is poised to become a global leader in voice-driven AI innovation.
Sui Foundation recognizes the immense potential of blockchain technology and its ability to revolutionize various industries. In their ambitious endeavor to propel blockchain adoption, the foundation plans to establish an academy solely dedicated to educating, nurturing, and empowering blockchain enthusiasts. With their innovative vision, Sui Foundation aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry, fostering collaborative research and development initiatives. By equipping individuals with the necessary knowledge and expertise, the foundation envisions a future where blockchain becomes seamlessly integrated into everyday life. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/sui-foundation-powering-blockchain-adoption-through-academia>Sui Foundation: Powering Blockchain Adoption through Academia</a> stands as a testament to their commitment and determination in driving this transformative technology forward.
The Bank of England's undecided stance on the digital pound has been clarified with their statement that "no final decision has been made." While the idea of a digital currency has gained momentum across the globe, the central bank remains cautious, recognizing the potential benefits and risks it may entail. Amid ongoing discussions and exploration of a central bank digital currency (CBDC), the Bank of England is taking a proactive approach, engaging in research and testing while weighing the implications for the broader financial system. As the digital currency landscape continues to evolve, the Bank of England's prudent approach aims to ensure that any decision made regarding the digital pound is in the best interest of the economy and the people it serves. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/bank-of-englands-undecided-stance-on-digital-pound>Bank of England's Undecided Stance on Digital Pound</a>.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/cetera-wealth-manager-launches-btc-etfs-with-training>Cetera Wealth Manager Launches BTC ETFs with Training</a>. Cetera, a leading wealth management firm, has announced the addition of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to its platform, accompanied by comprehensive training resources. Recognizing the increasing demand and potential of cryptocurrencies, Cetera aims to empower its financial advisors with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate this emerging digital asset class successfully. By offering training specifically tailored to Bitcoin ETFs, Cetera strives to ensure that its advisors are equipped to provide expert guidance to clients interested in diversifying their investment portfolios with this innovative form of wealth.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/tennessee-house-advances-elvis-act-protecting-musicians-from-ai-infringement>Tennessee House Advances ELVIS Act: Protecting Musicians from AI Infringement</a> The Tennessee House of Representatives took a significant step forward in safeguarding the rights and creative works of musicians by advancing the ELVIS Act. In an era dominated by rapidly advancing artificial intelligence (AI) technology, musicians have increasingly voiced concerns about unauthorized usage and replication of their music. The ELVIS Act aims to address this pressing issue by establishing robust protections against AI infringement, ensuring that musicians receive proper credit and compensation for their artistic endeavors. The bill's passage signals a commitment to uphold the rights of musicians in Tennessee, as it sets a precedent for other states to follow suit in providing necessary legal safeguards amid the growing influence of technology.
Bitcoin traders are bracing themselves for anticipated volatility as the open interest of BTC futures surpasses a staggering $36 billion. With this significant milestone, the crypto market is poised for exciting developments, as market participants closely monitor the impact of such increased interest. As the trading volume intensifies, both experienced and novice traders are eager to capitalize on potential price fluctuations, expecting lucrative opportunities amidst the anticipated rollercoaster ride. While the surge in open interest signifies heightened market participation and growing confidence in Bitcoin, it also serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency world. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/anticipated-volatility-as-btc-futures-interest-hits-36b>Anticipated Volatility as BTC Futures Interest Hits $36B</a>.

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